Friday, June 20, 2008

Human Foorprint

Do you know how much we each impact the Earth in our lifetime? I didn't have any idea until we watched a special on the National Geographic channel entitled "Human Footprint."

In our lifetime, despite being a determined recycler, I can expect to make a mark on this earth to an extent I never considered. I never realized how much so.

Each of us make this mark. Here is a brief list of items we use in a lifetime on this planet:

156 toothbrushes
389 tubes of toothpaste
656 bars of soap
198 bottles of shampoo
272 sticks of deodorant
10 televisions
15 computers
7 air conditioners
8 microwaves
12 cars
5,054 newspapers

We consume:

43,371 cans of soda
4,376 loaves of bread
13,056 pints of milk
13,248 cans of beer
942 bottles of wine

We will:

Use 64 trees to build a home
Spend 12 years, 183 days watching TV
Travel 627,000 miles (25 times around the world)
Use 31,350 gallons of gas
Make 263 visits to a doctor or hospital
Take 37,320 pills
Blink 415,000,000 times
Take 28,433 showers
Generate 64 tones of waste

A lifetime is considered to be an average of 77 years and 9 months.

For more information, check this link at National Geographic:

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Hobby Job"

I am having a great time working with computers here. My friend, Jeff, bought the store in February of this year and coerced me out of retirement to come in and help him.

We have a great time helping customers with their computers and selling parts, systems and service.

The store is located in Grand Rapids at 3665 - 29th Street S.E. I'm there Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Call me if you need anything . . . 616-977-9848.

Stop in and see Jeff, John, Rich, Ben, Josh, Matt, Kenny or me. 10 - 7 M-F, and 10 - 6 on Saturday. We'd love to help you out of a dilemma.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dad's Day

Once a year I get to do ANYTHING I want - with no reservations! But, of course, I stay within the realms of rationality and reality (and budget).

Today, depending upon the weather, I will either park myself on the deck and read and listen to music while being supplied with food and beverage by my delightful wife; or (if it rains) go to a movie or two.

But . . . . to get back to my purpose of Father's Day, I always remind myself of how fortunate I am to have such a great family ! ! ! ! I am very proud of my Daughter, who grew up into a very beautiful, intelligent, responsible (more than I was at her age), and talented person.

I am also humbled by the fact that two guys who are the Sons of my wonderful wife, accepted me into their family, despite me being such an old geezer (with a vibrant sense of humor).

THANK YOU ALL . . . This is a great Father's Day Gift

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bad Roads & High Oil Prices - A Solution?

I think I may have hit upon a solution to the plight of our poor roads and the obscene profits the oil companies are grabbing.

Since many roads that are turning to gravel are constructed of asphalt (an oil-based product), instead of taxing the petroleum barons, why not take their profits in the form of oil and give it to a new government entity that would be responsible for improving our roads.

This new department would have the authority to distribute the oil to asphalt producers, who in turn would have to re-pave all the crumbling road surfaces they did a poor job on in the first place (due to the 'low bid' process).

I would call this new bureaucracy the Asphalt Supply System.

The czar of this newly created cabinet position would have the title of Head, Asphalt Supply System . . . . or Head A.S.S.

If any thought is put into the nomination of this individual, it might be smart to make sure his/her name is NOT "Jack" or "Jaq" otherwise the media could call the new boss . . . Jack A.S.S.

The money would pour out of a spigot (hole) directly to the asphalt manufacturers. It would be nicknamed "The A.S.S. Hole."

If the project does not function well, it could end up being 'the butt of all jokes.'

I think it would be appropriate if this solution would be linked to the legacy of our current federal administration.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

A picture is worth 1,000 words!

(Photo courtesy of Sari)

What more can I say?

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Finally . . . I've seen them all!

WOW! Ten seasons of the Sci-Fi channel's "Stargate SG-1." I haven't had access to the Sci-Fi channel until I got DISH Network in March 2007. And I started recording every episode they broadcast. I had a LOT of catching up to do.

Well, after over a year of recording and viewing . . . . I finished every episode. WHEW!

Now what to watch . . . . . oh, yes, I have 249 other channels to pick and choose from, including DIY (Do It Yourself) channel, the Military channel, HGTV (Home and Garden), Food channel, Travel channel, History channel . . . . well you get the picture.

But I'm gonna' miss the team of SG-1.

But, wait . . . isn't there a new Star Trek movie this summer?

"Live Long and Prosper!"

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Who Killed the Electric Car"


Rent this documentary from your favorite video source (I use NetFlix), if you want to see how we have been SCREWED by General Motors.

It appears to me that the electric car is a great alternative to the gas-gouging vehicles we currently use.

WARNING: You will experience a rise in your blood pressure when viewing this movie!

I was very angry when I finished viewing this flick. You will be too!

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.