My 2001 Hyundai Accent has traveled some 50,000 miles without a problem until Monday 8/4 when it collided with a runaway pickup truck. The driver of the truck had stopped at the corner of a local intersection to drop off some letters in the mailbox. He 'forgot' to put it in park and it rolled into the traffic lane. It was raining, there was a larger truck in the right-hand lane and I didn't see the pickup until it suddenly appeared directly in front of me. I slammed on my brakes, but there was no way I could have avoided the collision.
The force of the impact was so great that my glasses flew off my face. The airbag did not deploy, but the seat belt did restrain me from hitting the steering wheel. I have the bruises and sore body tissue to prove that.
The crash was so great that force of my collision pushed the pickup into another car in the oncoming traffic lane, which sustained only minor damage. The pickup then continued its course until it finally careened into a telephone pole across the street. The driver had fallen out of the pickup, before it entered the intersection and suddenly halted my forward progress.
The body shop and the insurance company have agreed (at this point) that the car can be repaired. There is apparently no damage to the frame or engine, just all cosmetic damage to the tune of some $2100.00 and change. Because of our coverage and the fault of the other 'driver' I will have no out-of-pocket charges.
I was BLESSED that I was not seriously injured or killed according to the body shop, as they also are fixing the pickup. They said that the force at which I hit and damaged that vehicle could have been extremely serious to my physical being.
GOD is truly my Co-pilot. Thank You Lord!
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