Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Over!

Finally, a new year is upon us.

It has been an interesting year. Being retired is great, but now with a "hobby job" there isn't enough time to get everything done that is on my plate. How did I ever do that when I was working full-time?

A new federal administration is about to take office; and there is a lot of items on his plate to tackle. I am looking forward to the change of office.

I hope the economic crisis can be resolved, and that we can get the heck out of the mid-east.

That's just the beginning.

So we now have a clean slate upon which to build a new image for the United States.

God Bless the U.S.A.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Detroit - Episode Two

While we are on the subject of Detroit . . . .

I have an idea that might liven up the Motor City sports scene. Why not shift the teams around?

Let's have the Redwings play basketball; the Pistons play hockey; the Tigers play football and the Lions play baseball.

It certainly would focus the attention of the sports world on Detroit.

Hmmmm, there's a thought!

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Detroit is a losing city!

I feel sorry for Detroit! It has such great potential, but just can't reach it.

It's like Muskegon in some ways . . . great location (on water, but tied to heavy industry).

But, it's a loser. Three strikes and you're out?

1) Home of that great politician - Kwame Kilpatrick.

2) Home of the Lions - 0 and 16.

3) Home of the auto industry - going bankrupt.

And I, as a lifelong Michigander, prefer Chicago over Detroit. Amtrak even goes directly to Chicago (when it runs) and not Detroit.

Sometimes I might offer a solution to a problem as I see it. But I don't have one for Detroit.

Damn shame!

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Soggiest Year in Grand Rapids

Thunderstorms and rain this morning. All the snow is going away . . . but Flood Warnings have been issued . . . . for DECEMBER!

Mother Nature is really ticked over Global Warming. And she is dumping her wrath on us.

At least we had a white Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's 1:00 in the afternoon here in Grand Rapids, on the first day of Winter . . . and it is certainly living up to the date . . .


Brrrrrr. And it's STILL SNOWING!.

Isn't it great? YEAH!

Welcome to Michigan!

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

AAARRRGGGHH - Another Bailout Request. Humbug!

WASHINGTON, DC - Santa Claus has requested a $14 million federal bailout to avoid a crash which could cancel Christmas.

The struggling world economy and increased costs of reindeer feed are cited as reasons why the North Pole is facing its first ever budget crisis. Santa Claus spoke before Congress this week, requesting a portion of the $700 billion federal bailout fund to make sure Christmas can go ahead as usual.

Some representatives are highly critical of the request. Jim DeMint (R. S.C) said, “Their business model brings in no income, they just give everything away. I’m amazed they got this far.”

Mr. Claus spoke before Congress delivering an impassioned plea on behalf of the threatened holiday, asking for a $14 million loan to keep the North Pole afloat through the rest of the season. He closed by saying “I will pay it back just as quick as I can, cross my heart and hope to diet”, leading the thoroughly charmed Congress in a brief chuckle.

Elf Unions are believed to be the cause of a hold up on a final deal.

Critics say that the United Elvin Workers are responsible for the North Pole’s collapse, demanding lavish wages for its workers. However, research shows that the average elf gladly works 16 hours a day in exchange for food and shelter. The last formal complaint made by the union requested five-minute song breaks every hour, extra tinsel allowances and improved handicapped bathroom access.

Congress is expected to hold a special session to iron out details and avoid a holiday crisis.

When asked if he would be using confidential information from his “Naughty List” to sway his opponents, Mr. Claus said “Right now all options are on the table.” Senator Norm Coleman squirmed in his seat.

(This is from the highly respected and often quoted Weekly World News.)

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Lights, Chapter Two

UPDATE: The clump of alleged Christmas lights remains entrenched in a corner of the garage. I frankly still have not had the nerve nor the time to straighten out that miserable bunch of (insert expletive here).

CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING TIP: I got tired of getting dizzy running around the Christmas tree stringing lines of Christmas lights. I was inspired to take two of the mesh / net lighting sets and just toss them on the tree. It worked like a charm! Plus it even looks great. To look at the tree you wouldn't know how easy it was to take this tactic.

Power utility companies should enjoy this time of year as they should see a spike in electrical use (profit) with houses sparkling across the country. I hadn't better see any of them going to the government coffers begging for a bailout.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy all the multi-colored lights that brighten up the house. I just wish they could stay up longer than three weeks. I say lets extend the lighting season until . . . . Spring. That's when it will be warmer and easier to take down the outdoor lights.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Lights

I purchased some additional mesh/net lighting for the shrubs the other day, and Saturday decided to put them up. Now, I don't know if you've ever encountered such a puzzle, but I've come to the conclusion that these products are packaged by a maniacal resident of an asylum for the criminally insane in China.

This 'thing' was a blob of lights and wires which apparently was pressure-squeezed into the box by worker "Number 3" while emitting demonic wails of high-pitched giggles. Trying to extricate it into some logical form of lighting was a highly frustrating act of little success. After fighting with it for 10 minutes, I set (threw) it aside to attempt it later at a more calm moment.

I purchased five of these boxes.

It was the last box I had the most trouble with.

It's now Monday morning, and that light set is still in the garage . . . . awaiting my more calm moment.


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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Car Czar" - A Perfect Candidate . . .

I have an inspiration!

Congress is talking about appointing a "Car Czar" to oversee the 'Big 3' to bail them out of the quagmire they dug themselves into.

How about . . . Ralph Nader?

I think he would be the best person for the job.

Do you agree?

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Bring On the Snow!

Here's a week's worth of snow since November 30th. I say "Bring It On!" since we're both retired and hardly ever have to be out before 9:30 each day. By that time, the morning commute is over, any accidents have been cleared and the roads are free of snow and ice, so it's clear sailing.

Since I'm a life-long Michigander, I've dealt with winter for over 60 years. When I was 'working' I had to contend with a time schedule of being at work before 9:00 a.m. and I detested winter commuting. Now, not so much. I don't like the damp cold, but a dry chill with a bright sun sparkling on the snow crystals is quite enjoyable.

So, Mother Nature, Father Winter, Jack Frost . . . do your stuff . . . . dump it on us to your heart's content!

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pearl Harbor Day - December 7th

I had the honor and privilege to visit the Arizona Memorial
at Pearl Harbor in 2003.

Let us always remember our Heroes,
who sacrificed their lives to defend our country.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Go to "Mob Mart" for Trampling Training

In the spirit of Christmas, some folks don't get it.

In the rush to snag some 'bargains' some shoppers at a WalMart on the East Coast didn't let doors or an employee deter their frenzy.

Now he is dead.

Yes, the economy is in the pits. Yes it is that time of the year where we can be generous to a fault. But My God, let's use common sense. (Not that this message will reach any of these hysterical bargain shoppers).

Additionally, there is a woman here in Grand Rapids that is going to toy drop-off locations and claiming she is there to pick up what has been collected thus far. Bye-bye toys. It is probably the same woman who snatched toys in the lobby of a church here last year.

Stop, people, think. What is the true purpose of this time of year?


If you don't get it . . . . I'm praying for you.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What Bowl Game will Notre Dame play?

This is simple . . . . the way Head Coach Charlie Weis is calling the game . . . .

It will be . . . .

(say it out loud!)

I am still a die-hard Fighting Irish fan, but very down-trodden the way the victories have been eluding the team.

I am no way a football expert, but gee whiz, the way we have easily snatched defeat from the jaws of victory is just dumbfounding; that's why we qualify for the above venue.

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.