Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Time for a change!

I can't believe how 'lame' the 2012 Congressional session was in accomplishing the tasks which the country needed to progress. Actually, it was the lack of accomplishments, compromise and bi-partisanship. This lack of any positive action has truly increased my production of acid reflux. I am so angry at what has evolved from Washington, that my bride shakes her head at my verbal political rampages directed at our 'representatives.'

I am so frustrated at the constant bickering, finger-pointing and tantrums (much like an infant) coming from our nation's capitol, that I really would like to do a nose-to-nose confrontation with some of those IDIOTS who say they are working for the good of U.S. citizens. HOGWASH (or insert the appropriate expletive of your choice here). Their actions, or inactions, have p****d me off! I am inflamed by their downright STUPIDITY and selfishness.

History will show, I'm sure, that the 2012 Congress has been the most least productive session of Congress in my lifetime, if not longer. The petty bickering and self indulgent actions of many legislators is embarrassing and shameful. I think it is time to seriously consider a recall campaign for many of those folks who claim to be working for us, but instead are working to benefit themselves and screw the taxpayers. Once those (insert an expletive here too) individuals have been dismissed, maybe forward progress can begin again for the future of our country, not for the 'Haves' but for the 'Have Nots.'

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2013 - A New Slate

It's been just over a year since I last blogged, and much has happened. I'm resurrecting the blog as it's time for me to remark again about topics which may or may not be appropriate in a forum such as Facebook or Twitter.

2012 is now behind us. A year in which chaos ensued everywhere. My personal life erupted in many ways as my lovely bride and I approached, tackled and overcame many obstacles which popped up in our journey together. On the national scene, I was affected in many ways as we observed tragedy, turmoil and stupidity.

I pray we learn from what occurred last year and use those experiences to make 2013 better.

Welcome to another chapter in our lives.

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.