On this day, eight months ago, my Beloved Bride, Best Friend, Lover and Soul Mate, ♥ Mary Radigan ♥ passed away, leaving me behind to grieve her departure. I can't believe
how much time has passed since we laughed and talked and hugged. It
continues to be difficult to grieve and yet move forward, but I have
such great memories in my heart, my soul and my mind of memories, to
carry with me each and everyday. I continue my daily journey with the
support of my family and friends and my group and counselors at The Vet
Center. SHIMILY.
Also on this day in 1968, 46 years ago, my
buddy, Dean G. Owen, was killed in Vietnam by a mortar shell. We had
switched assignments, he got hit instead of me. Dean is buried at
Arlington National Cemetery and his name is on The Wall. thanks for
serving with me, my friend. R.I.P.
This is a forum where I make random comments about my journey in life, rants, raves, opinions and observations. Why the name "Always-A-Comment." Because I always have a comment about everything. Created by Mike Hale, a "Cranky Old Guy" in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone, no offense intended. WARNING: I have a slightly warped sense of humor; but a serious and emotional side as well. Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved (not that anyone cares).
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
My Thoughts on 'Gun Control'
I've been around guns all my life. I learned how to shoot before I was 10 years old. I did a lot of target practice and some hunting. In military academy I used the M-1 Garand, prior to enlisting in the U.S. Army, and there, of course, I used the M-14 and M-16 rifles. When I returned from Vietnam, I applied for and was approved for a Concealed Weapons Permit.
I have a great deal of respect for weapons and the potential tragedy of poor judgement and handling of firearms. I also am a firm believer in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Right To Bear Arms.
Of course I'm not going to go 'postal' with any of my personal weapons, I just want the piece of mind and comfort know that should the situation arise where my safety (or that my of family or friends) is endangered, I can respond appropriately and responsibly. I pray that never happens, because as a holder of a CPL (concealed pistol license), I'm very aware of any and all consequences of firing at an intruder or other 'bad guy.'
When I was in Vietnam, I never had to fire at the enemy, thank God, but I was on the receiving end of rocket and mortar fire, again, thank God, I was never physically wounded. But I was ready and wouldn't have hesitated one second to fire at the enemy - another human being. Because I was around combat and saw the results of war, and the loss of my buddy, Dean Owen on April 6, 1968; life was pretty fatalistic - death was accepted as a fact of life.
Consequently I know what guns can do IN THE WRONG HANDS. As is commonly said, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." So have no problem with the private ownership of pistols, rifles and shotguns. I have mine. What I do have a problem with is gun 'control.'
I am saddened by the continuing killings which seem to be increasing rampantly. This is unfortunately the result of individuals who have had improper access to weapons. Frankly, I personally don't think that can ever be resolved, because if one really wanted to obtain a gun, they will. I believe in the statement by the NRA “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.”
My primary purpose in owning guns is purely for sport shooting, but I want to be able to defend myself should I be threatened. I have a CPL because I live alone and no longer have the ability to defend myself adequately as I could when I was much younger.
I have a problem with 'government' telling me what I can and cannot have, whether it be guns, swords or a 32 ounce cup of pop. I am an intelligent human being, and able to make correct conscious decisions.This is the purpose of the Second Amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
I'm not going to discuss any future potential of an insurrection or a second civil war, I just want the right to make my own decisions as to the type of weapon and amount of ammunition which I can possess. It's as simple as that.
I don't have the solution to the increasing amount of public shootings. I just want to continue my enjoyment of the sport, and the ability to protect my person.
I do respect the opinions of others on this topic, but I might not necessarily agree. That's called 'Freedom of Speech,' the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
This is what our forefathers did by forming a militia to separate us from a monarchy so we could create our own free and democratic country.
I am not about to freely surrender my rights as a gun owner, nor will I.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
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About Me
- Mike -GR
- A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.