This is a forum where I make random comments about my journey in life, rants, raves, opinions and observations. Why the name "Always-A-Comment." Because I always have a comment about everything. Created by Mike Hale, a "Cranky Old Guy" in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone, no offense intended. WARNING: I have a slightly warped sense of humor; but a serious and emotional side as well. Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved (not that anyone cares).
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Handicapped Parking
What is even worse is the scenario I observed last week . . . . someone who was a qualified handicapped user, was in the appropriate location - - BUT TAKING UP TWO SPACES.
Okay, now that is out of line. This vehicle was parked diagonally across the two spaces.
I just shake my head in dismay.
Commercials . . at the Movies?
Hey, I paid good money to come and be entertained IN A THEATER. I'm not at home where I'm accustomed to seeing commercials.
Cut the crap and just play the danged movie, I didn't give you money to sit and watch commercials like at home. If you are going to force me to watch commercials in a movie theater, then give me a remote where I can fast forward past them, where I can pause the film while I go to the restroom or the concession stand, or where I can adjust the volume.
Isn't that fair?
Oh, by the way, both movies were quite entertaining.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
West Michigan Winter

For the past three years, the Grand Rapids area has missed 'normal' winter. The snow we were accustomed to either went North or South of us. This is fine when you have to make a morning commute. But now since my lovely wife and I are retired, this is no longer an issue.
This winter, Mother Nature is making up for what we have missed. Already (as of today) we have set records for snowfall. We are at 90 plus inches for the season, and February is the snowiest month since 1900.
I say, "BRING IT ON" Mother Nature. Neither one of us are required to fight the battle for the morning commute any longer. In my book, a great winter day is one with lots of snow, freezing temperatures and bright sunlight.
After all, this is Michigan!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Satellite Targeted Successfully!
KUDOS to the Navy for their aim.
But I don't really believe it was shot down for the reasons stated publicly; I think it was destroyed to prevent it from being recovered by members of "The Axis of Evil."
I also think that any country or organization opposed to the United States should be quivering in their boots right now . . . . you could be next in our crosshairs!
Shades of the Reagan Era "Star Wars" defense initiative.
Monday, February 18, 2008
( ?????? ) Day Sales
For what reason are there sales "honoring" these great events? As a veteran, I take issue with a sales linked to Veterans Day. This is a day to commemorate those HEROES who gave the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for their countryland, not a time for commercial enterprises to make a buck.
BACK OFF you profit mongers, go out and fly your Flag, and salute our warriors . . . and take your money and donate it to a worthy organization.
'Nuff said.
Thanks for the "tax rebate!"
Just a thought.
TV Commercial - RANT!
But after a while, one can become totally oblivious of them. Take a hint . . . . it's time to produce some new ones, folks.
I can recommend some commercial production companies, guys.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Welcome to West Michigan's newest game . . . . POTHOLD DODGE!
New Game for West Michigan
Trying to drive STRAIGHT down any street in Grand Rapids is rapidly becoming a challenge – or a trip through the Grand Canyon (and I had the audacity to believe I would find it located on the Colorado River, not the Grand River).
With Mother Nature being so generous with the flakes (unassembled snowballs/snowmen), she seems to be making up for the last three seasons of minimal snowfall. This results in the budget for the road commissions being rapidly drained - for the purchase of road salt. Consequently, there is less money available for road repair, resulting in vehicles weaving in all sorts of contortions, dodging crevices and chasms in the roadway, and other vehicles as well.
Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the 'roller coaster' of the Interstate.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Size DOES NOT Matter!
In this winter weather to end all winters in West Michigan, I am getting fed up with all the cowboys and their great big honkin' pickup trucks and SUVs tearing down the highways and byways at supersonic speeds when the rest of us sane (and safe) drivers are moving along according to conditions.
Just because you are bigger (and better?) and may have 4-wheel drive and/or several hay bales in your back-end (truck, that is [or maybe not]), doesn't mean that you'll have better traction. Icy conditions do not discriminate by the size or type of vehicle. My compact commuter car can get into as much trouble on the road as the big old snowplows tending to the state and federal roads.
And if you do end up meeting a snowpile suddenly in a big puff of white flakes, well then I pray you are not physically injured, but do suffer from a gigantic case of embarrassment. It serves you right!
By the way, someone I know works in the AAA Trouble callcenter, say Hi when you call to ask for help.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Press 1 for English . . . . .
My opinion which follows will no doubt offend someone, but that is NOT my intention - just my personal OPINION. so, here I go . . .
I speak English, I was born here (1946), I am a registered voter (Independent), I am a U.S. Citizen, I am a Veteran, I enlisted in the U.S. Army, I served (PROUDLY) in Vietnam, I lost a friend in combat, I have volunteered my services to several non-profit organizations, I pay taxes, I am retired, I will be collecting Social Security, I pay my healthcare, I am a licensed driver, I have a cell phone, I have several computers, I was gainfully employed, I am a Father and a Step-Father, I have a Sister, I am a member of a Wonderful family.
I Pledge Allegiance to The United States of America. I salute the Flag. I display "Old Glory."
If you do not qualify for at least EIGHT of the above qualifications - DO NOT:
- Tell me you have the right to demand paid healthcare, social security, free education.
- Demand that I cater to your every whim as if you were a legitimate citizen and taxpayer.
- Expect that you can become a licensed driver in MY country.
- Take away a job of a true United States citizen.
- Want services or information provided to you in your language.
- Think that you are eligible to vote in our elections.
- Get married here.
- Bear children here - to become U.S. Citizens by default.
If you want any of these PRIVILEGES:
If you are not willing to comply - to put it bluntly - GO HOME!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Senior Citizens present . . . . .Watch Out!
Despite this attainment, I want to know when I am permitted to act or function like some of the ‘Golden Agers” I encounter in my daily activities. Here are some of the incidents I have survived recently:
I barely avoided being run over by an elderly woman in a grocery store parking lot as I was returning the shopping cart to the designated collection area. I was in the middle of the traffic lane, plain as day - obviously pushing a large shopping cart. I couldn’t have been more noticeable unless I was clad in a hunters orange jumpsuit. Yet I had to swerve out of HER way to avoid ending up in intensive care – and her foot was “pedal to the metal” as she jetted by me on her way to the street in her decades-old Chevette.
At the same store I was next in line at the customer service desk, when out of nowhere an elderly ‘gentleman’ shuffled past me (as if I was transparent) up to the clerk and transacted his business. The clerk looked at me (obviously I wasn’t transparent) and dumbfoundedly assisted the old codger.
[There is no doubt a grocery store theme here]
Whatever you do, do not shop for your provisions before noon during the week unless you enjoy dealing with a mob of old folks who resemble lemmings rushing to the cliffs of Dover, as they ooze their way through the product aisles, clutching vittles in their carts, determined not to be the last one in the checkout lane. For this reason, I think there should be large rubber bumpers and airbags on shopping carts, as you do not want to slow their progress (any more than what it is already). If you do, you could end up being a statistic as a recipient of a cold, steely glare asking “Why are you in MY way, kid?” (Isn’t Emily Post a senior citizen by now?)
I guess I should consider myself in ‘senior citizen boot camp’ as I should be taking notes as I train to be an old coot in good standing. “Just give me my damn discount and get out of my way” I shout (the geezer battle cry) which sends a cold chill down the spine of shopping clerks everywhere.
Blog Archive
- Handicapped Parking
- Commercials . . at the Movies?
- West Michigan Winter
- Satellite Targeted Successfully!
- ( ?????? ) Day Sales
- Thanks for the "tax rebate!"
- TV Commercial - RANT!
- Welcome to West Michigan's newest game . . . . POT...
- Size DOES NOT Matter!
- Press 1 for English . . . . .
- Senior Citizens present . . . . .Watch Out!
About Me
- Mike -GR
- A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.