Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bye-Bye - Circuit City

As much as it is sad to see a business fail and employees lose their jobs, it give me great glee to see Circuit City go under.

I used to be a loyal customer. I had a great salesperson I depended upon. Then when the bean counters told the powers that be they will save money if they dump their higher paid sales staff, I vowed NEVER to step foot in one of their stores again - and encouraged everyone I knew to avoid Circuit City as well.

I kept my promise, and apparently others felt the way I did. Now Circuit City is closing.


You can't treat employees this way. Having retail experience in my resume I can relate to how hard they work to make sales and a living - it can be tough.

My salesperson landed a job at Classic Stereo and Video. I went to him to purchase a High Def TV. Two months later, that store locked it's doors (see previous post in July '08). I don't know where he is now.


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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.