Let me tell you why. I just recently viewed the film "The Kite Runner." This was a movie selection by my spouse, my muse. She always manages to pick films I normally wouldn't, but that I am later appreciative of her choice.
This is a film which provided me a new insight into Afghanistan. There are dual plots here, but the one which struck me the most was the storyline about life in the country. My image of this country was one of desolation, dusty, barren countryside and mountains. I had no idea of what the country was about. My visualizations came from media reports, which I presumed was the whole picture. But, this is NOT the case. This ONCE was a civilized country, filled with trees and agriculture and teeming marketplaces. This was before it was invaded by the Soviets, and before the Taliban took control of the country.
I had no idea how bad living under the Taliban really could be. I had my perceptions, but they were way off base. Add Al-Quieda to the mix and it must be unbearable. My eyes were opened to the oppression these people are under - an UNCIVILIZED OPPRESSION!
Now I believe I understand why we must assist the citizens of Afghanistan to regain proper governance of their country - not that we must control or occupy their country, but to help them rid the country of an uncivilized life style.
This is why I am giving President Obama the benefit of the doubt as to his recent decision to step up troop presence in that country. I don't believe that the United States must be the police force for the World, but to live under the conditions that the Afghani's are existing, that is intolerable. I hope and pray that we are making the correct decision, and that our involvement will be swift and decisive (let the Military operate as the Military should) and we can return basic human rights and privileges to the citizens of Afghanistan to run their country the way they want, with basic God-given principles.
I hope that you will either read or view the movie "The Kite Runner" and you can see how life was in a country, before it was invaded by what they consider to be infidels.
For more information on the film, check out the official website. Information about the background of the film and book, check here.
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