I have a guest blogger today, my lovely spouse who, along with me, is in an uproar over the use of foreclosure funds from Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox being set aside to develop two parks in Grand Rapids.
Here is the Cranky Old Woman:
Did I miss something, or did all the irresponsible AIG officials (crooks) suddenly move to Michigan? The same arrogance and "I just don't get it" mentality has reared its head here as state Attorney General Mike Cox stands in a press conference and gallantly announces he gave $500,000 from a Countrywide mortgage settlement to upgrade two parks in Kent County, instead of doling it out to the agencies eager to help homeowners facing, or in the middle of foreclosures. Does he REALLY think anyone at the moment cares about parks (one of which is very small and holds a cramped space behind all the medical/office buildings on Michigan Ave., is a staging area for all the ongoing construction and - even if improved - would hold interest only with the office workers situated right there, if at all? His defense? The improved parks wil help stabilize their surrounding neighborhoods. What neighborhoods? The way things are going, there won't be any neighborhoods left. Put that money where it belongs (and for what it was intended!) Hire debt counselors, open small, temporary offices accessible to the most vulnerable - and desparate- homeowners. Cox should stop trying to look good for his political buddies and take care of the people in need. What an idiot!
Thank you my lovely wife, the Cranky Old Gal.
Stay tuned as she may pop in from time to time . . . if I let her.
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