Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I wanted a Hummer . . . .

. . . But what kind of Hummer would be built by a Chinese company?

Would they paint it with lead paint?

And would the U.S. Armed Forces want to use a HumVee made by a communist company?

Plus, the company GM sold Hummer to, isn't even a car manufacturer!

Now, if this company is smart, they would use plants in the U.S., and have them assembled by U.S, citizens. Question is, would the U.A.W. be able to work under the direction of Chinese managers, with the Chinese Communist work ethics . . . "do it our way or be shot!"

I think I will stick with my Korean car, assembed by U.S workers, in the U.S.

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.