PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), formerly called "shell shock" has long term effects. It is commonly known that many of our Vets who have served/experienced Vietnam have had trouble adjusting to life following their return from combat areas. When I was sent to 'Nam, I knew that I only had to be there for one year, and wouldn't be back, unless voluntarily.
I was 'young and foolish' back then and was enjoying the 'experience' of my assignment, so I asked to stay an additional 6 months. Little did I know how that might come back to haunt me, decades later.
Presently, we have troops that are being sent back to a war zone, over and over and over again.
This does not bode well. Look at the news headlines about the sad incidents that are being reported about troops who have 'cracked' over their constant exposure to combat. They did not have the 'relief' of serving just one tour of combat assignment, they keep going back time after time.
If you think the issues of Vietnam Veterans who are afflicted with PTSD, after only one tour are bad, just wait to see the results that our current veterans will display following recurring deployment into 'hell!'
Some of us are getting the help that is needed, as long as the $$$$ are there, but even that might be cut short by budget cuts. Imagine the amount of money which will be needed by our current 'Heroes?'
Will it continue? I personally pray that our service members of all ages will not be ignored, as I and my fellow Veterans were when we came home.
Don't abandon us!
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1 comment:
Couldn't agree more! In addition to the PTSD, God only knows what else our current warriors are being exposed to. Just like with any war, it seems years afterwards we begin to learn about harmful chemicals and even vaccinations that they've been exposed to. I worry about all the high amounts of radio waves they're being placed next to. "Tools" designed to scramble remote signals that a terrorist uses to set off an IED from miles away. What the heck kind of long term effects will that have? I too pray that the rest of our country will continue to show patience and support to every veteran in this country, and that they're able to get the medical help needed. Semper Fi! ;)
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