Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Promises- Promises - Promises!

The Michigan Legislature is awash in a sea of broken promises: can't keep promises to our future - our kids' education; can't promises to do their job - make up a budget on time; can't show up to work when they have a responsibility to do so - taking off on a Jewish holiday (when they have a budget deadline!).

THIS IS A BUNCH OF NONSENSE! They are a bunch of limp legislators and wishy-washy workers! I ranted about their inability to meet a budget deadline last year, and they are doing it again this year.

The legislature works for us - we are their employer! I think it's time we fired these 'employees' (legislators) and get someone to do the job with responsibility to their employers - us, the citizens of Michigan!

What really burns me up (besides their E.D. - elective dysfunction) is that they have broken a promise to our children - the future of Michigan! The 'Michigan Promise' to provide educational opportunities to college and school children has been ripped from the proposed budget for 2010. Yeah, that's smart. Let's just cut, cut, cut - and run, run, run from meeting our obligations.

I am fed up with the direction our state is going. I know we are economically strapped, but so are the citizens. Should we raise taxes to meet our obligations? Perhaps. But how about doing it on: cigarettes, gasoline, sales, sporting events, etc. where discretionary income is spent. We are a tourist destination, why not raise taxes where visitors to our state help us out?

I cannot publish my true feelings (politely) as to how I feel about this fiasco. If you want to hear them, contact me, I'll be glad to share with you my unabashed feelings.

However, Jack Lessenberry of Michigan Public Radio has stated it best. Check out his comments HERE.

Enough said? Not by a long shot!

Colorado is looking better and better.

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Anonymous said...

Um . . . you've heard of . . . politics?

Mandy said...

You are right! It's time the politicians cut through all their crap, roll up their sleeves, and do something for the state that they are supposed to be representing. If we keep rolling our eyes and giving them a free pass everytime they let us down, just because they are politicians doing politics, we will never change anything. Time to fight back and tell them how we want things run...if they can't deliver we should tell them to "not let the door hit them where the good Lord split them."

About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.