I have two points to consider:
1) Health and well-being on a personal level.
2) The over commercialism of a very holy day.
The first issue, I have a great deal of difficulty being thankful for, is what is happening to my wife. Being thankful for a serious medical diagnosis? NO! I do not have anything for which to be thankful. My heart is cold and hard to be grateful for this situation.
Yes, I know that we are 'fortunate' to have an idea of how much time we may have left together, but it makes it all the more difficult to comprehend that we will be apart. I do believe in Heaven, and Jesus Christ IS my Lord and Savior, but that does not make it any easier to accept the outcome of this prognosis.
The second issue - I am offended and somewhat disgusted with retailers forcing upon us the idea of holiday lights, decorations, gift 'bargains' and door-busters as early as August and September, all in the name of "Commercial-mas." I believe that the world, all of us, have forgotten the true purpose of which we celebrate.
Personally, I am glad that I am the age which I am. It means that I won't have to put up with all this for too many more years. I'm aware that 65 is still young, but I think I see the 'hand-writing on the wall,' the world is going to hell in a hand basket on a greased track.
Do I sound depressed? Well, I am!
However, I am not going to let all this drag me down. As is said in A.A. "One Day At A Time.'
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