Saturday, April 26, 2008

S.T.O.P means STOP, Halt, Cease Movement!

I was sitting at a local grocery store last evening waiting for my lovely wife to return to the car after a quick trip inside to purchase some items. I was observing people and traffic in front of the store entrance. Placed very strategically at both doors - in the crosswalk - were two stop signs, indicating that vehicles must stop to permit pedestrians to cross.

It was interesting to note that about 30% of the vehicles just drove right past the signs as if they didn't exist. Do these drivers think that if they don't see anyone crossing they don't HAVE TO STOP?

If this is true, how would this apply to four-way stops at intersections?

Where did these folks get their driver licenses, Wal-Mart?

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Friday, April 25, 2008

"You Can't Get There From Here!"


I know it's road construction/detour season here in Michigan, but it is frustrating when you encounter traffic delays when you least expect them. In addition to the announced projects for improvements, there are those pesky unannounced and unexpected 'pop-up construction' sites that seem to appear and disappear at a moments notice - they are like UFO's!

With all the proliferation of potholes this year, I'll bet that road crews will be working filling those car-crunching crevices all summer. They use asphalt . . . . stones and sand 'glued' together with tar. Time has proven that this is nothing but a temporary fix.

Stand by for it to eventually come loose and toss stones into someone's windshield, and to create another chasm . . . . to be filled in with more stones and tar!

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UPDATE - Dean Owen R.I.P.

I have had the pleasure of having been contacted by a family member of Dean's - his son!

As it turns out, Dean's widow did not have twins, just a son. He located me via the Vietnam Wall website, where I had posted a comment. It appears now that I will have some closure on the passing of a war colleague.

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Dean G. Owen (1947 - 1968) 40 Years Later

Dean Owen was a comrade-in-arms of mine in Vietnam. We were in basic training together, advanced training. and ended up being assigned to the 15th Engineer Battalion of the 9th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army.

We shipped over to southeast Asia by boat (18 day trip across the Pacific) in October 1966. Our tour was for one year, but we decided to extend our tour for another 6 months. This meant we would rotate back to 'Freedom' the middle of April 1968.

During the night of April 6, 1968, our base camp at Dong Tam in the Mekong Delta took an incoming rocket and mortar attack. I made it safely to the bunker, Dean was about 25 to 50 yards away. He was mortally wounded by a direct hit.

Dean was from Camp Springs, Maryland. He got married on his leave between tours. His wife was pregnant with twins at the time of his death.

Another buddy of ours, Robert "Bob" Whiteside (who also shipped over with us), had the honor of escorting Dean's body back stateside.

I haven't yet had the privilege of visiting "The Wall" in Washington D.C. However, I did see "The Moving Wall" when it was on tour in Grand Rapids in the late 1980's.

Judging how I reacted when I was in the presence of the touring replica, I suspect that I will have great difficulty in maintaining my composure.

Dean, Thank You for your service and sacrifice. You will not be forgotten!


"Save Windows XP"

Did I say that in print? Wow, a die-hard 'Mac' guy putting that in black & white.

Well, I didn't completely 'come over to the Dark Side,' I just decided to add the PC knowledge to my abilities. Now I'm 'Bi-Platform!'

Windows XP is the MOST STABLE version of any issue of Microsoft Windows ever produced!

Bill Gates and Company has now foisted on the fawning computer pawns a new operating system (OS) called Vista, which has not been a great success. There are compatibility problems galore - both with software and hardware.

Rumors are floating of a newer OS = Windows 7. It appears that Vista longevity may resemble Windows ME (remember that one?).

No thank You, I'll stick with Win XP and Mac OS 10.

There is a petition being circulated in cyberspace to "Save XP." You can read about it at the link listed below:


It's Construction Season in Michigan

It's THAT TIME again in Michigan!

Time to adjust your commute schedule, change travel routes, and plan to be delayed while we contend with more road work in the continuing effort to save our traffic infrastructure.


I would bet money that traffic engineers delight in devising 'pop-up' construction sites where they weren't yesterday, and won't be tomorrow, but will be somewhere else.

Oh, Scotty, where are you with that Transporter Beam when I need you?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Beijing, China Olympics

How China was selected as a site for the Olympic Games is beyond my comprehension. I thought the purpose of the Games were to bring together FREE countries for the purpose of sports competition.

China does not fit my definition of a FREE SOCIETY! I would not have chosen China for a site for these Games.

Now I'm not saying it should be boycotted, but if other countries decide to not attend for political purposes, that would be fine with me - BUT let's consider these young competitors who have trained most of their lives to even have a spot on their team. I say let the Olympians make up their own mind whether they choose to participate. We should not deter them in their quest for Olympic glory.

However, the United States SHOULD NOT send any official representative to attend this event. Nor should any commercial enterprise be a sponsor.

I support our Olympians in their goal of the Gold, Silver and Bronze accomplishments, but in NO WAY do I support a country which has free reign over the lives of their citizens.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. I pray their will be no bloodshed. Let's not have a replay of the 1972 Munich Games.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Want the AutoBahn in Michigan!

Why is it that the famous German AutoBahn, built in the 1920's still exists today as a fine roadway to travel at high speed? We are talking about a highway which has lasted for nearly 90 years!

Why can't we have roads that last more than 2 years?

WHY? Because we use LOW BIDS - which mean LOW COST (poor materials)!

When we follow this ridiculous line of thought, we get:

This one was spotted in Walker/Grand Rapids according to 'Drive Michigan.'

See the full news article in The Grand Rapids Press:

Driving is getting so bad that police are having difficulty in determining who is dodging potholes from those who are weaving in traffic due to mass consumption of alcohol.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

VETeran's Administration, A Vet's Perspective

I'm wondering if any anytime during my lifespan the Veteran's Administration will look at their name and realize that the first part of their name is VETERAN!

I served my country without any hesitation on my part - as a matter of record - I ENLISTED - I VOLUNTEERED FOR SERVICE. But when it comes to receiving any benefits I earned, it's like pulling teeth. And I know that I am not alone in this 'battle.'

After serving nearly four years proudly in the U.S. Army, I expected to be rewarded with the appropriate benefits. But now, I have to PAY the V.A. for services rendered.

Wait a moment, isn't this supposed to be a BENEFIT for my service? Why do I have to pay for these 'benefits?' I might just as well use the medical services in the community. I would get much better and faster response, instead of having to deal with the tedious layers of bureaucracy that exists within the V.A.

Sounds to me that the V.A. is 'double-dipping.' Having a vet serve in the armed forces, then have them pay for the services/benefits they 'allegedly' earned. What BENEFIT is that?

I am very much aware that I personally am far better off than others in the V.A. system. Look what the V.A. has (not) done for our current troops injured in combat.

Something is radically wrong with this organization and its administration.

Veterans DESERVE much better treatment than we receive now. Call your local federal representative and senator and give them a piece of your mind on my fellow veterans behalf.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

BULLETIN: Michigan Sues Groundhog

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), on behalf of all the county road commissions in both the Upper and Lower Peninsulas, has filed a lawsuit against Punxsutawney Phil, "The Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of all Prognosticators." Phil, the 'official' Groundhog, is the defendant in the lawsuit because he has been determined to be responsible for deteriorating road sufaces, the rapid proliferation of potholes, and the bankruptcy of road commission winter budgets.

"Because of the long, tough, and hard winter that Michiganders have been forced to endure, someone or something had to become the scapegoat for our wrath," according to Jack Phrost, Chloride Purveyor of the state. "Phil was the obvious choice, due to his prediction that winter was to end during the 'Ides of March.' As we know, this was a complete falsehood."

Prompted by cries of "The sky is falling" by TV Weathergirls, panicked residents around the state increased their driving, as they raced to hardware and grocery stores to stock up on more provisions to survive the never-ending winter. Despite all the purchases, there wasn't any noticeable spike in the economy.

MDOT also wanted to include 'Mother Nature' in the suit, but all the Sheriff's Deputies, Bailiffs and Court Servers were unable to locate her to serve a supeona. She was suspected of finding Dick Cheney's 'undisclosed location' and hiding out there.

Winter sports enthusiasts have sided with the furry rodent shouting "Let It Snow" and singing "Jingle Bells." Retailers are hoping this might mean the possibility of extending the Christmas shopping season. Lowe's, Home Depot and Meijer are quivering with anticipation that they will be able to sell more snow shovels, and boxes of (Unassembled) Snowmen and Snowball Fight Kits.

For futher details, contact the April Fool's Commission at 800-YOU-FOOL.

About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.