Sunday, July 4, 2010


(By Guest Writer Frank J. Montoya)

A special day comes but once each year;
A day whose history we should know.
A day to reflect on our way of life.
And pay homage to those who made it so.

One summer day so long ago, five daring men did meet.;
Their goal: to be free from the Tyrant’s sting.
They formed a plan known as the “Rights of Man”.
Would they be so brash as to defy the King?

Our forbears boldly signed that document,
That declaration that still survives
And so committed, they did bravely pledge
Their honor, their fortunes, and their very lives.

A historic announcement was made that day;
A proclamation which they all believed
Would shed the shackles from across the sea,
And thus our nation was conceived.

As the word was spread both far and wide
The Liberty Bell rang out for all to hear.
'Twas heard with pride throughout the land;
Its timbre crisp, so loud and clear.

Had this day not dawned back then in time,
Would our lives be the same in every way?
There are countless millions in far off lands
That seek what we take for granted every day.

Our freedom has been threatened thru the years,
But patriots have turned back every foe.
Our precious rights have been preserved
And Liberty’s light has never failed to glow.

Fly our Flag today, let your pride be seen,
This bright and glorious summer morn.
It’s a day to honor, to feast and celebrate;
It’s the day the USA was born.

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.