Saturday, March 15, 2008

BusinessWeek article about Hyundai Auto

"My Way or the Highway at Hyundai" is the name of an article in the March 17th issue of BusinessWeek magazine.

My wife and I own two Hyundai autos, both new in 2001. We have been extremely pleased with them. The warranty and the quality of the vehicles is what sold us over buying a car manufactured by one of the 'big 3' in the U.S. We haven't been disappointed.

However, after reading this article, I am seriously reconsidering any future purchase of a car made by Hyundai.

The Korean manufacturer has been firing all the American management. Hey, if you want to do business in the U.S., then by golly HIRE AMERICAN! If not, then GET OUT! Too many jobs have been lost to non-citizens.

If you want to read the article in entirety, check it out at:

Tell me what you think. Am I off-base here?

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.