Here are the facts:
I must have been about three or four years old when this incident occurred. It was most likely a Saturday or Sunday morning, following an evening out for my parents.
To an adult It would have been apparent that my Dad 'had a good time' the previous evening.
He was paying homage to the 'porcelain Buddha' quite extensively. As a child, this incident created a reaction of curiosity.
So I asked my Mother, "What is wrong with Daddy?" Now my Mother didn't want to tell me that my Father had too much to drink the night before. No, she decided to be creative. She said, "Daddy ate too many peanuts."
Ever since that day I have had a mental block against peanuts and peanut butter. I'll eat candy bars (some) with nuts in them, but anything else, NO WAY.
A few years back, I asked my Mother why I didn't like peanuts, and she told me the story.
I looked at her and asked, "Why didn't you say he ate too much chocolate?"
That would have been a much healthier answer!

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