Thursday, March 20, 2008


I thought I'd take this opportunity to publicly state what a wonderful family of which I am a part.

My wife is my soulmate, my best friend, the Love of My Life; and she truly keeps me on my toes. We are consistently on the same wavelength.

My daughter is a delight, and she has grown up to be much smarter than I was at her age. I am confident that she will be a success.

My two stepsons are a thrill to be with. I consider them to be more friends than stepsons. When we get together, along with my daughter, it is nothing short of comedic chaos!

Both of my parents are deceased, and I appreciate the upbringing they provided to me and my sister. Thanks, Mom and Dad (I got my sense of humor from him, and inherited his ability to collect things = packrat. I got the gift of gab from her).

My Mother-In-Law is a Gem! I love her dearly. She also keeps me toeing the line ,

The Sisters and Brothers-In-Law can only be described as the ideal relatives that everyone would want in their family.

My Uncle and my cousins are geographically distant (much to my great dismay), and I haven't had the opportunity to really get to know them as I would like.

To summarize, I want to thank The Good Lord above for allowing me to experience the relationship that I have with them all.

God Bless Us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet! The COG really is a TOG.

About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.