Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer is coming, Calendar is Full! Yikes!

It's the last week in May and I've had to tape four months of calendars on the office door so I can get my head around all the events and plans for the next several months.


When I glanced at all the notations and lines marking the calendar pages, I stopped and wondered about how I will enjoy the slow, relaxing ("Lazy, Hazy, Crazy . . .") days of Summer.

A wedding, birthdays galore (my daughter's 24th - Wow!), trips, events, reunions, a "vacation" possibly to Washington, D.C. (to see the Vietnam Wall - finally). Combining all this with my four-day a week gig of a "hobby job" at the "Ole Computer Emporium" and I'll need time off in the Fall and Winter to recuperate. Add to this list for the upcoming seasons - a trip to Florida and then to Hawaii . . . my gosh, I'm glad I'm retired and have the time to do all this.

As I have said before . . . "I've waited all my life to become a senior citizen."

Now, if I just had the time to accomplish everything I want. How did I ever manage to do similar items like this when I was working?

Well, regardless, We're looking forward to all the activity. We're just very glad we can do it . . . and do it together. My lovely bride and I are are fortunate that we are able to enjoy this time of life. I just hope and pray that the economy turns around so that no one is less fortunate anymore.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Sales" on Memorial Day

I deliberately waited until after this weekend to post this message, as I didn't want to take anything away from this solemn occasion.

I am personally offended by retailers who stage Memorial Day "sales" events. This is a date in American History where we should honor and remember those who have died for their country, and those who have unselfishly served in our armed forces. This is NOT the time to be reaping monetary gains for your personal coffers.

I have tried to point this out to several large retail organizations, but it continues to fall upon deaf ears.

If they insist upon holding these "sales" they could at least donate a portion (if not all) of their profits towards veterans charities or organizations that help Vets.

I know we live in a capitalistic society, but taking a moment on one day out of 365, isn't much to ask.

"Home of the FREE, because of the BRAVE."

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Once Again - Veterans Get Screwed!

Enlist in the armed services and serve your country, and we'll take care of you when you return.


Budget cutbacks have not only reduced services to us veterans, but the people there to help us have lost their jobs.

Oh, yes; we'll take care of you, but you'll pay dearly in time and effort to get what you deserve. We have bridges to nowhere to build, and planes we don't need to purchase first. We'll get back to you. Just sit there and wait, maybe your turn will come up, if you don't die first (then we don't need to spend money on you to help you).

BITTER, am I bitter? Damn right I am! Veterans, like myself, gave up a portion of our lives (and maybe more than that) to go where we were sent, not ask questions, and perform tasks which have affected us for a long time.

What do we get? On the front page of Tuesday's Grand Rapids Press, this story tells it all.

Yup, young person, go serve your country, come back home and see if we'll even acknowledge your presence when you return.

Proud of my service, you bet! Happy with my government, no way!

But more soldiers continue to be sent off to fight a stupid "war" and come back (if at all) more than likely a lesser person than when they left. Don't believe it? It's happened to me!

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

2010 Chevrolet Camaro - RECALLED!

For a company which is currently considering bankruptcy as an option to continuing to make cars to be sold to consumers, one would think that their future would be tied to producing vehicles of quality.

Apparently that is not the case for the recently introduced 2010 Camaro. Almost within the same week as it was being first sold to the public, a recall notice was released.

Being a former Camaro owner, I couldn't believe the incredulity of this situation.

Situations such as this has lead to the imment demise of the "Big 3" as we know it. As it exists presently, I wouldn't spend my money on a car made by GM, Ford or Chrysler. What kind of quality would you get in a car made by workers fearful of losing their jobs at any moment?

That is why we invested in autos with a foreign label, manufactured in the U.S. Both 2001 models with absolutely no defects (other than minor cosmetic issues, quickly corrected), are still running very efficiently. So satisfied are we, that we would have no qualms whatsoever in buying the same brand again.

I do believe that the turmoil in the domestic auto industry, worry some as it may be, will be the best thing that could happen for consumers. I don't believe that the automakers would change for the better, if it were not for the bankruptcy option now staring them directly in the face. It will be interesting to see how Ford fares, while GM and Chrysler struggle in the quagmire of trying to turn their companies around.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16, 2009 - "Armed Forces Day"

Let us pray for all those in service to our country across the globe, AND their families wherever they may be.

When you see a service member, be sure to thank them for their sacrifice.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Grief is NOT "News"

Last evening I endured watching the evening "news" broadcast from a local television station which was "reporting" on a head-on collision on a nearby highway. Its not the fact that the story was reported that ticks me off, its the issue that I felt that I was a voyeur sitting by and watching and listening to family and friends grieve over the loss of someone close.

I just need simple facts that there was an accident and someone is going to jail. I think that the grieving process is private - not to be displayed on TV just to get ratings. It was sad to watch the boyfriend of the young lady express his emotions in front of the camera.

I could have changed the channel or turned it off entirely. But what struck me the most was the fact that television has sunk to the lowest level of unethical behavior in my book. I don't believe that this type of 'reporting' is taught or even condoned in the halls of journalism school.

It was like watching the electronic version of "The National Enquirer." Sleazy television at the utmost. Why would I want to see someone mourn, with such distress, on a medium that professes to have such high standards of news reporting.

I find it to be disrespectful, revolting, disgusting, and shameful. But apparently at this local news outlet, their slogan is "If it bleeds, it leads."

I wonder how they would feel if it was a member of their family?

= = = = =

Yes, I know the family may have consented to do the interview, during a weak moment, but it didn't have to be broadcast, or even recorded. It is sad that the media has decided to cast all forms of journalistic ethics aside in favor of ratings and dollar signs.

Don't bother me during my time of grief, or you will have a broken camera!

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Vice - But Might Be Healthy!

According to WebMD, there may be some french fries that are OK to consume, but in moderation.

Plus, since Sonic came to town, they appear to have the best fries in many of the categories. I haven't yet had the opportunity to taste any Sonic product, due to the long line of cars surrounding the Drive-In since it opened recently.

So, I have taken on the responsibility to rate the french fries (by taste) locally, although many of them are by a national concern. In my estimation, here are the best french fries as of this date:

  1. McDonald's
  2. Wendy's
  3. Mr. Burger
  4. New Beginnings
  5. KFC
  6. Long John Silvers
  7. Steak & Shake

I will report back following my pilgrimage to Sonic as to where their french fries may fall in the list.

I would also like to state that the fries from Burger King would have been listed, if it wasn't for the fact that a few years back they changed their consistency, and now I avoid them at all costs. Additionally, Big Boy just recently changed either their oil or potatoes (or both). Their fries, which easily would have been near the top of my list, are now banned from my palate.

However, taste is objective. Do be sure to read the article at WebMd.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Flu - Enough Is Enough!

I've been thinking . . . in this age of advanced science and technology, wouldn't it be sad to see the human species be eradicated by a pig conspiracy?

OK, so this is a bit far-fetched, but I think this whole affair has gone a bit too far. I'm believing that this just might be a case of media frenzy. Reacting to this is a group of 'scientists' who may be crying "Wolf" a bit early.

Yes, there have been deaths and a lot of sick people. But during a 'normal' flu season are the statistics any different? Just because they are able to track down this virus to a solitary oinker in Mexico doesn't necessarily mean that we have another 'Black Plague' on our hands.

I have personal knowledge of the fact that people in Mexico are NOT wearing masks (as the media portray) everywhere they go, and that travelers from south of the border ARE NOT transmitting this disease to everyone they meet.

Am I, at my alleged advanced age and susceptibility to illness, quivering with apprehension over the possibility that I might be infected with this "potentially fatal" illness?


I don't buy it, and, I am not rushing to my medical practitioner to be poked with a sharp needle just to parry any fear of dying.

I think that this is just a 'normal' flu outbreak with a bunch of "Chicken Littles" screaming The Sky Is Falling when there is no credence of mass deaths ala The Middle Ages.

Cool it! Go take the mass sums of money being spent to alleviate this 'pandemic' and use it to find a cure for Cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity and the like.

As John Stossell of ABC News puts it so well, "Give Me A Break!"

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

There's a Movie Here

The RUN for the Roses at Churchill Downs yesterday was all the more fantastic as the jockey, Calvin Borel, also won the Kentucky Oaks race on Friday, which preceded the Kentucky Derby. Add this information to the fact that the horse he rode in the Derby "Mine That Bird" was from New Mexico! He had just arrived days before from a 2100 mile road trip from out west in a small trailer pulled by a pickup truck, driven by his trainer, Bennie L. Woolley, Jr., who had a broken leg.

Now if Hollywood isn't going nuts over the possibility of a movie here, ala "Sea Biscuit", I will be astonished.

I've had the privilege of attending races at Churchill Downs, which is a fantastic experience every time I go. It is a very classy place, the epitome of Horse Racing. There are many sights to see besides the races; the track has a very interesting and informative Museum that one has to experience. And Louisville has many other places to visit, including the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory.

If you haven't had the opportunity to visit Churchill Downs or Louisville, Kentucky, make sure you put it on your list. It's only an 8 hour drive from Grand Rapids.

Oh, and if you are planning to attend the 2010 Kentucky Derby (#136), I would make your reservation NOW.

Hope to see you there.

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.