OK, so this is a bit far-fetched, but I think this whole affair has gone a bit too far. I'm believing that this just might be a case of media frenzy. Reacting to this is a group of 'scientists' who may be crying "Wolf" a bit early.
Yes, there have been deaths and a lot of sick people. But during a 'normal' flu season are the statistics any different? Just because they are able to track down this virus to a solitary oinker in Mexico doesn't necessarily mean that we have another 'Black Plague' on our hands.
I have personal knowledge of the fact that people in Mexico are NOT wearing masks (as the media portray) everywhere they go, and that travelers from south of the border ARE NOT transmitting this disease to everyone they meet.
Am I, at my alleged advanced age and susceptibility to illness, quivering with apprehension over the possibility that I might be infected with this "potentially fatal" illness?
I don't buy it, and, I am not rushing to my medical practitioner to be poked with a sharp needle just to parry any fear of dying.
I think that this is just a 'normal' flu outbreak with a bunch of "Chicken Littles" screaming The Sky Is Falling when there is no credence of mass deaths ala The Middle Ages.
Cool it! Go take the mass sums of money being spent to alleviate this 'pandemic' and use it to find a cure for Cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity and the like.
As John Stossell of ABC News puts it so well, "Give Me A Break!"
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