Apparently that is not the case for the recently introduced 2010 Camaro. Almost within the same week as it was being first sold to the public, a recall notice was released.
Being a former Camaro owner, I couldn't believe the incredulity of this situation.
Situations such as this has lead to the imment demise of the "Big 3" as we know it. As it exists presently, I wouldn't spend my money on a car made by GM, Ford or Chrysler. What kind of quality would you get in a car made by workers fearful of losing their jobs at any moment?
That is why we invested in autos with a foreign label, manufactured in the U.S. Both 2001 models with absolutely no defects (other than minor cosmetic issues, quickly corrected), are still running very efficiently. So satisfied are we, that we would have no qualms whatsoever in buying the same brand again.
I do believe that the turmoil in the domestic auto industry, worry some as it may be, will be the best thing that could happen for consumers. I don't believe that the automakers would change for the better, if it were not for the bankruptcy option now staring them directly in the face. It will be interesting to see how Ford fares, while GM and Chrysler struggle in the quagmire of trying to turn their companies around.
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