Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Once Again - Veterans Get Screwed!

Enlist in the armed services and serve your country, and we'll take care of you when you return.


Budget cutbacks have not only reduced services to us veterans, but the people there to help us have lost their jobs.

Oh, yes; we'll take care of you, but you'll pay dearly in time and effort to get what you deserve. We have bridges to nowhere to build, and planes we don't need to purchase first. We'll get back to you. Just sit there and wait, maybe your turn will come up, if you don't die first (then we don't need to spend money on you to help you).

BITTER, am I bitter? Damn right I am! Veterans, like myself, gave up a portion of our lives (and maybe more than that) to go where we were sent, not ask questions, and perform tasks which have affected us for a long time.

What do we get? On the front page of Tuesday's Grand Rapids Press, this story tells it all.

Yup, young person, go serve your country, come back home and see if we'll even acknowledge your presence when you return.

Proud of my service, you bet! Happy with my government, no way!

But more soldiers continue to be sent off to fight a stupid "war" and come back (if at all) more than likely a lesser person than when they left. Don't believe it? It's happened to me!

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.