Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The President Cannot Change Anything

The current economic crisis in our country is a prime example of how a President alone cannot force a change in government. The incumbent President has appeared on television several times in the past few days to encourage Congress to take action. He has also attempted to calm the fears of citizens.

Has there been any effect at all?


This should indicate to everyone that no matter who is elected to take office next year, this one person alone is unable to force the government to make any drastic changes.

Congress is obviously listening to their constituents and contemplating what is best for the citizens, not what the executive branch is demanding.

It is about time that we (the citizens) are heard!

And here is an idea . . . . why not take the money that is being spent on the "war" in the middle east, and use it here at HOME to solve our crisis?


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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.