Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cut the crap and end the bullsh*t!

Enough of the negatives! Let's deal with facts only.

Snopes.com delineates that the information about Barack Obama not wearing a flag pin and not saluting the flag is FALSE!

Check it out at the link below:


I personally have had my fill of all the negative campaigning and mud-slinging going on out there; adding false allegations and inflammatory statements from the internet to the mix is inappropriate in the process of electing someone to the highest office in our fine land.

I have examined all the facts, policies, and proposals being set forth by all the candidates and have based my decision as to whom I am casting my ballot - ON THE FACTS!

Please, do the same; and take a moment to delve deep into your heart, and meditate upon which individual is the best one to lead our country for the next four years. Give serious consideration to asking for Divine Guidance as well.

This is no time to to act upon falsehoods and misinformation. Don't toss away your privilege to vote based upon B.S.

I fought for this right - Don't let me down!

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1 comment:

Mandy said...

I agree Mike, I am over all of the negative ads.

I hope you have a great trek out West!! I'm waving from my window in Denver.

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.