Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cobwebs - from "Cobs?"

(This IS an April Fools Day posting)


Where DO they come from?

I've never been able to spot any of those darn Cobs anywhere. Does bug spray work to kill the cobs? Would Terminex be able to terminate them?

I went to Wikipedia to see if they could explain it. Nope! Not to my satisfaction.

They are the bane of my existence. You see we have a vaulted ceiling in our living room with some great skylights, which spotlights these networks of thin, connected lines, high up in the ceiling. I am forced to grab this long expandable pole with a duster at the end, in order to eradicate the evidence of an alleged, dirty living space. When I finish, it may not even take a days span of time for the @#$%%^ things to reappear again.


In the darkness of night?


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

very funny post! now I will be thinking all day......where do they come from?

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.