In high school, weapons training was a part of classes, as it was a military academy. This sharpened my skills. Then when I entered the Army, it became a part of daily life, especially in Vietnam. So I have had these weapons of human destruction around most of my lifetime.
I don't drive a pickup truck (although I would like to), and I don't display any guns in the house, nor do I hunt any more. But I firmly believe in the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, the right to keep and bear arms.
My wife and I have for years discussed the idea of taking gun classes together, along the lines of ballroom dancing classes. I definitely can shoot better than I can dance!
When I came back from Vietnam in April 1968, I was so paranoid that it wasn't more then a week that I went out and bought a handgun from a local sporting guns store. I owned it for more than 20 years until it was sold to another individual.
My experience with guns has not driven me to use them for any reason other than for sport.
April is my month of birth, and it is also a month of shame of America. 20 years ago we mourned the death of the victims at the Columbine High School shooting, 2 years ago it was the shootings at Virginia Tech, and yesterday, it was the shooting of innocent persons in Binghampton, New York. This is such a tragedy.
But what can be done to prevent this from occurring again, how do we stop armed robberies, how do we stop drive-by shootings, how do we keep family members from killing each other with handguns? Do we eliminate weapons with bullets altogether? Do we end the sale of firearms completely? Do we prevent the ownership of handguns and rifles?
I do not believe this is the solution. Do you remember the slogan from several years ago . . . "Guns do not kill people, people do." This is true! Banning guns won't solve the problem. Training in the respect for guns will help. Background checks for the purchase of guns will help. Licensing for gun owners will help. BUT IT WILL NOT STOP THE PROBLEM! I'm sorry to say that in our society where guns are 'freely' available, it will continue to be a problem.
I do not endorse any method to prevent citizens the legitimate right to own and use guns. I DO endorse the tightening of regulations for gun ownership and purchase, including the requirement for gun purchase to include a curriculum of gun safety and use. I also DO endorse the complete ban on automatic weapons, and I don't mean just to deactivate the auto firing mechanism. No one needs to have an automatic weapon - NO ONE needs an automatic weapon! Do I have to say it again? If you want an automatic weapon, purchase a facsimile.
The present economy may create a class of HAVES and HAVE NOTS in our society. People are beginning to get desperate. This may result in more crime, and perhaps crime using guns.
So, in light of my previous comments, do I have a solution? NO, I DON'T!
Do I want the ability for me to have a gun to be restricted? NO!
Do I want crimes with guns to stop, YES!
If I don't have a solution, am I part of the problem? I don't know.
I just don't want legislators to go overboard in an attempt to rectify or circumvent future tragedies of gun possession.
What can I do?
- I can pray.
- I can support tighter, legitimate gun purchase and ownership.
- I endorse a crackdown on illegal gun sales and possession.
- I want to see mandatory licensing and training for the privilege of gun ownership.
- I want to see a complete ban on automatic weapons.
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