Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Imports - only when we NEED them!

The press reports on Blueberry imports has me a bit confused.

Why are we importing these items into the United States when we grow these products on our home soil? With the economy in turmoil, one would think that we want to keep our home-grown goods in the marketplace for our local farmers to generate income, not for foreign farmers to keep our money in their country.

What's wrong with this picture? We grow it or make it - we should buy it, and keep the $$$$$ here! Oh, sure, there is the argument that one can save money on lower-priced imports, but right now we need to keep our country fiscally sound, not those outside our borders.

Now is the time to BUY LOCAL! Keep our farmers and businesses profitable - the money stays LOCAL - here in our economy - the economy here grows - this money is in return spent or invested HERE! Is my thought process off kilter?

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.