Friday, April 17, 2009

Newspapers ARE Needed!

Most everywhere we look, there are newspapers cutting back on publication days, reducing staff or closing down altogether. The Grand Rapids Press (as yet) is not one of those according to publisher Dan Gaydou in a speech this week.

It is alleged by some of those other newspapers that the internet has played a significant role in their demise. This may be true. As I have stated previously, I get most of my news intermittently throughout the day by checking various links on the World Wide Web. There are many 'news' sites out there, some of which I wouldn't base any important decisions or opinions on with the result of their content.

I personally hear about the content of the G.R. Press from my wife, who updates me on news items we are both interested in. As a result, I consider myself to be well-read and completely informed due to my wide coverage of the news from many reliable sources, both print and electronic.

What I do not want to see, as I have stated before, is the complete disappearance of newspapers or magazines. These organizations (presently) have both the staff and resources to keep the public informed and advised as to what is occurring in all forms of government and business. They have taken it upon themselves to be our watchdogs as to what affects and effects us as citizens.

We cannot afford to see these outlets fail. Despite my lack of actually reading the printed version of the G.R. Press, I do not plan on letting our subscription lapse. I urge you to follow this path . . . do not stop supporting your local news outlet, keep your subscription current.

The lack of an observant press could be our downfall.

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.