Sunday, March 30, 2008

"SO?" You Say?


What do you mean "So?" Over 4000 loyal American troops have died, and you say "So?"

Dick Cheney is truly a DickHead!

Dick Cheney:Two-Thirds Of The American Public Opposing The Iraq War: ‘So?

On the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion (March 19th, 2008), ABC’s Good Morning America aired an interview with Vice President Cheney on the war. During the segment, Cheney flatly told White House correspondent Martha Raddatz that he doesn’t care about the American public’s views on the war:

CHENEY: On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success.

RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it’s not worth fighting.


RADDATZ So? You don’t care what the American people think?

CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.

View it on YouTube:

Full interview on ABC News site:

"Intelligent" (?) quotes by Dick(head) Cheney:

How did we ever elect these uncaring, stupid idiots into office? Thank God, there is only 296 more days until the new administration takes office . . . no matter who it may be!

1 comment:

G.I. Shutter-bug said...

"Two-third of Americans say it’s not worth fighting."

Profound words from a man with FIVE deferments and "other priorities" during Vietnam.
But hey Mike, it's not all bad. I mean, realy, would you have wanted "Dead eye Dick" the bird hunting buddy shooter in you unit in 'Nam, with an M-79 grenade launcher?

About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.