Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Sales" on Memorial Day

I deliberately waited until after this weekend to post this message, as I didn't want to take anything away from this solemn occasion.

I am personally offended by retailers who stage Memorial Day "sales" events. This is a date in American History where we should honor and remember those who have died for their country, and those who have unselfishly served in our armed forces. This is NOT the time to be reaping monetary gains for your personal coffers.

I have tried to point this out to several large retail organizations, but it continues to fall upon deaf ears.

If they insist upon holding these "sales" they could at least donate a portion (if not all) of their profits towards veterans charities or organizations that help Vets.

I know we live in a capitalistic society, but taking a moment on one day out of 365, isn't much to ask.

"Home of the FREE, because of the BRAVE."

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

a fantastic idea Cranky! we are such a giving nation to all other countries........what about ours?

About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.