Friday, March 7, 2008

AT&T Yahoo emails - Part Two


I'm STILL getting the Damn things!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Timing is everything. We've had several sunny days in a row and a lot of the snow has melted away. I say it's time you made a trip westward to bag up some Lake Michigan beach sand. Who knows, you might find some lovely rocks along the way.

Don't feel like traveling over to the lakeshore? Wander over to Eastown and scoop up some of the rubble from the explosion. That way you can mail a bit of local history (along with your letter of complaint) to the high muckety-mucks at AT&T and Yahoo.

Remember, don't put your name or return address on the outside of the box. Don't get angry, get even and beat them at their own game.

About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.