Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weather Happens!

I'm getting tired of the weather being the "top of the news" on television newscasts. Look, "Mother Nature" has been around longer than the News, and it will 'weather' no matter what. Just state the facts of: How Much, How Little, How Hot, How Cold, When and the Severity of it all.

Some of the graphics 'upmanship' is getting out of hand. And, how many Climatological Prognosticators does a TV station need? One for every day of the week?

The Weather Channel really goes to the extreme, with their 'reporters' standing out in the wind and rain, barely able to stand up.

And when one thinks about it, what other job continues to keep you on the job whether you are right or WRONG?

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.