Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Commercials . . at the Movies?

Went to a local theater Monday to see Juno, and 27 Dresses; but before the main feature, we were forced to view commercials, just as if we were at home watching television.

Hey, I paid good money to come and be entertained IN A THEATER. I'm not at home where I'm accustomed to seeing commercials.


Cut the crap and just play the danged movie, I didn't give you money to sit and watch commercials like at home. If you are going to force me to watch commercials in a movie theater, then give me a remote where I can fast forward past them, where I can pause the film while I go to the restroom or the concession stand, or where I can adjust the volume.

Isn't that fair?

Oh, by the way, both movies were quite entertaining.

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.