Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Awaiting a New Opportunity

We are days away from a change in the Federal Executive Administration. I await this change with an air of excitement I haven't had since the Kennedy/Camelot days.

I have to state that I am an Independent - neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I was raised in a Republican family and was (and still am) an admirer of Dwight Eisenhower. (Too bad we didn't listen to his warning about the "Military-Industrial Complex.") I think I adjusted my political views during the brief days of Camelot.

I'm not saying that I agreed totally with either political party, but that I began to vote for the individual and the principle for which She/He represented.

I have been greatly dismayed, discouraged, disgusted, disconcerted and embarrassed by the past eight years which our great country has endured.

Now we have a New Opportunity before us . . . an opportunity to right the wrongs which have occurred with the Bush Administration; an opportunity to fix our country's failures and failings; an opportunity to heal the wounds the world has received; an opportunity to rebuild and reinforce the rights our Forefathers established with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for United States CITIZENS!

This is a historic occasion which lies before us. This chapter in our history that is about to be written truly brings tears to my eyes as I stand proudly as a Citizen of the United States of America and watch as the sun rises on a New America under the wise and steady leadership of our new President . . . Barack Obama.



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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.