Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Usually the first to go . . . .

It's happening again, as it always does when funds get tight, and budgets get thin.

Who do the bean counters point at as being expendable?

Public Relations and Marketing, that's who.

Just this week, we've seen a couple of prestigious non-profit organizations in Grand Rapids terminate their 'promotion' staff. This also happens within for-profit organizations as well. It is like 'they' are saying . . . "Well, we don't need to communicate with anyone now, because no one is buying anyway." You know what, this will be TRUE, as no one will buy, because THEY FORGOT ABOUT YOU - because you aren't keeping your name or product out in front of them!

Now is the time you should be presenting your name, product or purpose to the public!

You should be stepping up your advertising and marketing programs - to survive. If you don't, kiss 'it' goodbye - you'll be gone, along with others who have closed their doors.

This is from an old "PR Guy" who has seen it before.

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.