Friday, April 10, 2009

Printer Ink Refils - DON'T DO IT!

You can see these kits being offered everywhere today - "Easy to use!" "Save Money - Do it yourself!"

There are stores where you can take your cartridges to have them refilled, and even Walgreens is now offering this service.


From personal experience I can attest that the grief you might endure is not worth the alleged savings you might obtain. Let it be known that I am not discounting the quality of service that any commercial enterprise may offer, I am stating that in every case I encountered, it created more of a problem that it was worth!

Yes, you will save money! However, the quality of the ink I used was far less then what I would expect. Plus in one instance, the quality of the work was so poor, it gummed up my printer so bad, I was unable to clean it. I finally discarded the unit entirely.

I now stick with OEM ink from my printer's manufacturer, but I purchase it from a locally -owned discount office supply store. I am completely satisfied with this solution.

Regarding issues with ink jet printers . . . they are priced so affordably, that it is NOT worth the cost to repair them. Just buy a new one! BUT, dispose of them properly - make sure any computer equipment you discard is recycled and will not end up in a landfill.

By the way, the same can be said in some cases for laser printer cartridges. Don't do it yourself, it can be a disaster. There are reliable local sources for recharged laser printer cartridges, and if you find a source (as I did) stick with them. They will stand behind their products.

Caveat Emptor!

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.