Friday, April 3, 2009

What was God Thinking?

Today as I rethink my earlier posting about Cob Webs, I began to wonder about two other organic items.

What purpose do Dust Bunnies or Tumbleweeds serve?

Now I think that some may question my sanity for even spending time on such a topic, but really, why do these two items exist? There is some reason, I believe, but I can't comprehend what that might be.

Yes, a great many tragic incidents occur which have greater importance in the grand scheme of things. But, questions such as the two I broach, have passed through my mind, and I thought it might be worth pondering.

Not that at anytime during my brief appearance on this earth will I discover the answer, but maybe at another time.

Although at the time of my eternal reward, I'm sure that I will be in such great awe of my Creator, that points such as these will be miniscule.

However, creative as my mind can be, I'm sure that I will end up pondering other useless points in the future.

This is one of the reasons God gave me a brain . . . . but I believe He thought it would be used for a better purpose.

I'll continue to try.

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.