Saturday, March 28, 2009

Door to Door Solicitors

How I Successfully Turn Them Away!

This technique has worked every time . . . .

Being retired usually means you might be living off your retirement income and investments. With the economy as bad as it currently is, everybody understands that Wall Street is in the dumpster.

When these folks come to the door trying to pry my hard-earned money from my piggy bank, I just say . . . "I'm sorry, we're retired, and all our investments have tanked, we have no money to spare."

The look at me . . . hem and haw . . . swallow hard . . . look down and usually stammer, "Aw, I'm sorry . . " and turn and walk away.

It hasn't failed me yet. Whether or not it's true does not matter, but it keeps my money in my wallet.

It works better than any NO SOLICITORS sign!

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.