Friday, March 27, 2009

Paper Clips . . . Just One Box, Please

At this point in my life, when I need some paper clips I drive to the office supply depot to pick some up. I'm just looking for a single box of a 100 or so pieces. Imagine my amazement when I could only find a shrink-wrapped package of ten boxes.

That's 1,000 paper clips!

Being in my early 60's, the chances of using 1,000 paper clips seems to be a bit much. Maybe if I was in my 40's. But 1,000 paper clips to me would be a LIFE-TIME SUPPLY, with enough left over to pass on to my beneficiaries.

I questioned a salesperson about the chances of me purchasing a single box, and the answer was slim to none.

So I asked myself, "I wonder if I could perhaps buy just one ball-point pen, or a single felt-tip marker, or maybe a lone pen refill?"

Nope, these items are only available in multiple or mass quantities.

This appears to be the basis of Pentagon-purchasing methods, less the lofty prices.

Try obtaining just a single roll of adhesive tape. Negativo! Minimum purchase would be 3 rolls at a time.

Apparently we have become a mass purchase, shrink-wrapped, plastic bubble sealed society. And God help you if you try to open one of those plastic sonic-welded merchandise containers. Cut yourself on one of those babies and you'll be a hurtin' for a while.

Oh, for the days (which I remember) of the five and dime store where everything was lined up neatly in their own bin in SINGLE amounts. Where you could buy just ONE Number Two Pencil or a nice gum eraser (try getting one of those today too).

Oh, No! Now you have to climb into your gas-guzzling SUV, drive to the other side of town where everybody congregates to spend their money, and load up on bulk purchases of highliters, envelopes and note pads.

Send me your name, I'll add you to my will for the dispersal of my left-over paper clips.

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About Me

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A retired former public relations practitioner, radio broadcaster, professional photographer, electronics geek and a Vietnam Vet.